Search for: agriculture
agriculture is life
Agriculture University's reference clinic will be started at Kottayam
financial aid for agriculture loss due to rain
Agriculture is the greatest culture
Banana Stem and Tender Coconut Shell for farmimg
Mini Set farming
Jamanthi marigold flower
strawberry plant can be grown in our homes
tomato farming
Lockdown:: more relaxation to agriculture and health sectors in Kerala
Radish farming
Ladies finger farming and uses
To combat food shortage department of agriculture come with waste land farming
Paddy cultivation-A to Z -part-4 , nelkrishi -nilam orukkal
Rubber cultivation
Covid-19: Bharatiya Kisan Union demands relief package for agriculture
Malappuram's own watermelon- karinjappadi vathakka
In this covid season department of agriculture helps families to start farming : v.s sunilkumar
No restriction for agriculture and related works-kerla CM
Grape farming
Do papaya farming - reap profit
COVID 19:pathanamthitta plans expansion of agriculture in 1315.4 hectares
Farming in public sector
Tapioca Farming
Management of Hybrid Coconut tree
Mango Farmers Go Online to Reach Consumers
Invitation for training in startup
The Pulse of a village - Perumbalam vegetables
VIETNAM SUPER EARLY - fastest fruit bearer
banana farming organic way
Kerala plans to provide agricultural products and seeds to maximum people : Veena Goerge,MLA
ivy gourd best to cuiltivate during lockdown
Widen agriculture in Chalakkudy as part of Prosperous Kerala
Tissue culture enables early yield of banana
All uncultivated land will have agriculture : says Minister M.M.Mani
Prosperous Kerala -Vegetable cultivation inaugurated
Application invited for Swami Vivekanandan young talent award in 11 sectors including agriculture
Eleven scheme for agriculture
Subhiksha keralam proect began at Kerala Agriculture University
Mallappally aims agriculture in 91 hecters more
Govt Offers Huge Subsidy on Agricultural Implements under SMAM Scheme
Strengthening 'Subhiksha Keralam', vadakkekkara began lease cultivation
Second phase of Tapioca farming programme started
Citrus Limon
Caution to be taken by coconut farmers before monsoon season
Urban vegetable farming is a good model for self reliance
Expatriates who return to Kerala can cultivate on fallow lands
Chilly farming began at Pathanamthitta
Rose flower cultivation
Earn money through bee farming
Aid for cultivating food crops in fallow land
Haritha Thanneermukkam
Black gram cultivation
COVID period- Only agriculture gives pleasure
Know honey bee to do farming
Paddy cultivation A to Z -Part -5- use of fertilizers
KAMCO released agri tool kit
Cooperative banks to promote agriculture
Cherthala Kanjikuzhi Service Co-operative Bank Agricultural Consultancy
Coconut oil -loose sale not permitted
COVID-19- Animal Husbandry is all out to support farmers
Lock down organic vegetables harvest -jaiva pachakkary vilaveduppu
Ranni plans 77 hectare intensive agriculture as part of Subhiksha Keralam
Elanthur will do agriculture in 194 hectare more
Traditional secret in agriculture
Koipuram plans agriculture in 200 hectare more
Egg laying chicks for sale
Fodder cultivation
Kasargod preparing for a total farming spree -subhiksha keralam-kasargod jillayil muzhuvan sthalangalilum krishi
IIHR launches portal for online sale of seeds
Fodder subsidy schemes announced
ANERT scheme for solar agriculture pumps
All houses should have a vegetable garden in Erathu of Pathanamthitta
Agriculture machinery for 80 subsidy
How to convert 1 kilo trycoderma to 100 kilo
North Indian States affected by the locust attack
Vegetable prices down in wholesale market
A to Z of Paddy cultivation-part -6 - Irrigation
Agastta tree farming techniques for better yield
Things to Know About Rainwater Farming
If there is a fair price and market The farmer has the intelligence and ability to carry out the rest.
"App" for Farmers Group Became. Products Sell directly.
Applications are invited for implementation of Integrated Farming System. Application must be received by June 6th.
Thanheermukkom is ready for Agricultre
Cultivation of Areca palm
Papaw farming techniques for gulf returns
Ways to remove worms in mango
Jaiva Griham - integrated farming - application invited
Arsenic In Rice: How Concerned Should You Be?
Curry leaves commercial cultivation
Royalty for farmers by Kerala government
Spinach farming for beginners
If you do this, the coconut will grow well
Distribution of fruit tree saplings , phala vriksha thai vitharanam
Subhiksha Keralam :Kozhicode package is 43.6 crore
14000 farm help
Subhiksha Keralam - Government grants to cultivate wasteland.
Coconut Palm diseases and cure techniques
Govt moves to ban 27 pesticides; ‘baffled’ industry says it will oppose the order
Lockdow: Cocoa farmers in trouble
Paddy cultivation- A to Z- Part- 7- Weeds and weeds control
Appointment of aquaculture promotor
Financial support of integrated farming, samyojitha krishi unittukalkku sampathika sahayam
Drones to be used against locusts attack
Subsidy for paddy farming rupees 40000
Manorama webinar on smart farming
Take care of these before planting bananas
Services for farmers who are waiting for Krishi Bhavan are known.
Kisan Vikas Patra; There are many benefits to investing
Prime Minister Fazal Bhima Yojana Good news for farmers; Just upload the crop damage on a smartphone and upload it.The insurance scheme will be available soon
Dairy farmers should be considered under daily wage scheme
Paddy cultivation- A to Z- Part- 8- Pests and Diseases
Government approves rS. 20,000 crore package to msmes and agriculturists
Locust are coming to make destruction
MSP of paddy has raised to 53 rupees
As the price goes down Rubber growers to multi-cropping.
FPO policy; The first step to turn the farmer into an entrepreneur
Subsidy for various crops by agriculture department raised
Animal husbandry department provides variety of benefits for farmers
To get information about fertilizing rubber plantations call
Opportunities to conserve agricultural products in accordance with the scale of trade The Essential Property Act Amended.
Won't this farmer help?
Government plans free training for fish farming, mathsya krishikku soujanya pariseelanam
Inauguration of harithalayam scheme tomorrow
Rubber Board should reverse anti-peasant policy
Facebook group does hundred acre paddy family
Rudraksham at Sruthi beared fruit, Sruthiyil rudraksham kaychu
Paddy cultivation- A to Z- Part- 9- Aphids (Brown plant hopper) and other pests
Farmers can sell their produce directly to traders without middle man
Scope of moringa farming - financially and as an entrepreneurship
Indica rice grown in desert
Revolution in fish farming-biofloc
Subhiksha Keralam “Agriculture application can be filled at home
The project to convert agricultural pumps to solar has begun. Registration for this has been started at the ANERT District Office.
As per the Crop Improvement Program, the Department of Agriculture has increased the subsidy rate for various crops.
Steps to taken to protect kitchen garden during monsoon
Kadakanath chicken rearing and buying
Fruit trees that are suitable for kerala climate
organic home project for by Agriculture department
Farmers Registration Portal Beneficiaries can enter information on the portal
Farmers should be aware of the subsidies received from Krishi Bhavan.
Commercially pepper For those who want to farm
The medicinal properties of musk turmeric ..
Avocado can be grown Farmers can earn income
Aromatic turmeric farming in scientific way
Lauki or Bottle gourd cultivation, which normally takes place in North India, can be done in Kerala too with less expense & less time
Use of rain shelter farming during rainy season
Do grape farming after rainy season
Assistance for dairy farmers
Locust attack agriculture department seeking help of air force to spray pesticides
Pumpkin farming in this monsoon season
Farming during Covid Lock Down
Know about the farmer Shri raveendran who gained success in farming even in rainy season
You can grow passion fruit For health and income
Green fodder farming
Papaya has a natural friendly alternative to the plastic straw
Rain was harvested before the ripening
Failures are the keys to success
Diseases in coffee during monsoon season
Is agriculture growing or tired in Kerala?
Farmers can apply for Milk Shed Development Project in Palakkad District
A cow farmers self talk
A Punjab model in paddy seeding ,nel krishiyil oru punjab mathruka
Dragon fruit included in rural employment scheme
Some doubts about cow-raising.
Before going into goat farming one must know essential things about it
Alagappanagar model farming for farmers
KVK Ambalavayal to go for value added products
How to do cultivation of Cube (square) watermelon?
GM seeds: the debate and sowing agitation,janithaka vithukaludae vyapaka upayogathinu karshakar
Know bush pepper farming techniques
How to make Jeevamrutham? When should plants spray it?
To enhance the taste and quality of the sambar; Sambar spinach
Koova farming of balachandran
the state crop insurance scheme.
Institutions can also farm. With the assistance of the Department of Agriculture.
Poultry farming under Kerala Chicken project to be expanded
Take a subsidized agricultural connection
T V Chandran gains attention for doing kadali banana cultivation
The collective farming of Otalur is impressive, with the local workers set the stage
No loss. If you plant this banana
Take care of the farmer with caution
Kerala agricultural University news on this week's farming techniques
Agriculture Department''s assistance for starting new agricultural initiatives
Rubber online sale
Benefits of Mulberry, and its health care
Garlic can also be grown
Cultivate even in rainy season
Banana seeds free to farmers
The wild boar Can be fired at Kozikod
Three vegetable varieties than can be cultivated in rainy season
Avocado and moottipazha from the Nandiode village FB post from the Minister of Agriculture Adv VS Sunil Kumar
Kudumbasree with Pokkali cultivation in one hectare
Kanjikkuzhi Block Women Farmers Group - vegetables, flowers and fruits
Agritrade via Whatsapp
Pump set for farmers in subsidised rate under Prime Minister Kusum Yojana scheme
Use this technique for getting best yield in padavalam, snake gourd
Know about different types of vertical aquaponics and palak farming
Online agriculture training by agriculture college
Want fishes?
Agencies for kepco chicken invented
Listen to Diaz's words
Swaroop Kunnamupalli 's Organic life.
Mushrooms in the backyard- Are they fit for consumption
Pepper who gets more Look, quality and income southern pepper, (Pepper Thekkan )
Importance of Organic Farming
Ginger for decoration
Sweet Sapota
Thiruvathira Nattuvela To farm, the most favorable time!
Mullatha its qualities
cheap rate for Agri plants by Kanjikuzhi Service Co-operative Bank
Coconut cultivation in rainy season
Rambutan - required Great fruit.
Jasmine Rice – One of the most tasteful rice in the world
Paddy cultivation- A to Z- Part- 10- Fungus diseases
In the Kanthalloor hills, apples ripen; but only less people to buy
Subsidy for coffee farmers
Know the traditional ways of coconut farming
Oud cultivation started in Idukki by Pramod a Police Officer
livestock insurance scheme; government to give 75 percentage on the death of your animal.
In Paravur Vadakkekara Service Co-operative Bank 3131 started Njattuvela Agri work
Njaattuveela farming begins with new hopes
The program was conducted in the Eco Shop yard at Krishi Bhavan, Ambalapuzha South.
Fodder Cultivation Project in Kollam District: Application before July 10
Support price of coconut increased
As part Subhiksha Keralam project Ambalavayal Agriculture research centre decides to increase paddy production during Thiruvathira Njattuvela
For the first time in the world, Kerala Agricultural University developed hybrid Ridge Gourd Variety
Interested in farming? The Department of Agriculture will provide training, credit and marketing assistance
Paddy procurement in Kuttanad is complete
Paddy cultivation- A to Z- Part- 11- Bactrial diseases
Discount for plant seedlings
Horticorp to help Rambuttan farmers in Kerala
World’s Largest Flower – Corpse Flower
Get acquainted with hi-tech agriculture.
Those who need passionfruit Do you? Call it
Giant granadilla - a sustainable creeping plant species
Coriander seeds can be grown at home
Vellayani Agricultural College organizing Online training program for young people.
Israel and pesticide control
To know about the monsoon care of bee colonies in rubber plantations and to clear doubts, you can contact the Rubber Board Call Centre.
Online class for farming
Sreedharan's two-acre farm contains Rubber, pepper, kappa, chilli, cowpea, kernel, gram, goat and poultry.
KPMS's Haritam Agricultural Project Aiming for Onam harvest
Longest okra with Sheemakonna
How to grow an Apple tree from a seed
Various crops were started in Muhamma
Tastey IlanthaPazham can be grown at home
Big demand for coir bhuuvasthram during rainy season water conservation activities
Palm cultivation in Kerala Will it succeed?
Applications for State Farmers' Awards Invited
comingup...the time of chinees pottattoo
Various agricultural development projects in Alappuzha municipality
Government of India sets Rs 640 Crore for Seaweed Cultivation
Paddy cultivation- A to Z- Part- 12-How to limit expenses
Kamco's Agri Toolkit is now available at cheaper rates.
Contribution of Fatima Hospital to the Agricultural Sector of Kerala
For sale of agricultural seeds and seedlings
Fertilizers' Sale Sees A Massive Boost, Despite Lockdown
Fake Coconut Seed Sales
Red cherries We can grow them at home.
New dimension added in locust control activities - Chemical spraying in targeted areas started with a Bell Helicopter taking its first sortie in 65 RD Banda area of Jaisalmer district in Rajasthan
No scarcity of fertilizers across the country during ongoing Kharif season:Sadananda Gowda
An effective remedy for fungicides in plants; Bordeaux mixture
Farmers now assured of barrier-free trading and remunerative prices for agriculture produce after recent agricultural reforms - Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare
Green chilly cultivation starts in pallippuram gramapanchayath with farmers collective
for Onam Vegetable project: District level inauguration
This is the time of Venda farming
The harvest of popular agriculture was done
Cows that Cannot Provide Milk Can be the Ultimate Solution for Many Farmer’s Problems
Agricultural Research Center, Mankonp, says that elemental application can be done
Farmers turn to rabbit farming during lockdown
Health benefits of coriander leaves (1)
Lockdown and terrace farming
In kitchen garden competition hundredfold
The government has extended helping hand to the dairy farmers
Biological Control method for plant diseases
Kerala Agricultural University research unit launches vegetable cultivation kits
jackfruit challenge - agriculture department kerala
Technology has been of great benefit for farmers; immense potential of AI in agriculture: PM
Six months internship training in the Department of Agriculture
Return of cotton cultivation in the border region
Kathirmani project of Thanneermukkam panchayath started
Move to withdraw Rubber Act Declaration of war on farmers: Jose K. Mani
Grass Not available; Farmers in crisis
No Tourists; Owner prepare a vegitable garden above his house boat
Ensure that the benefits of contract farming reach the small farmers, says Agriculture minister Narendra Singh Tomar
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) declared farm awards 2019
Monsoon across India revives agriculture sector amidst corona
Benefits of eating Cabbage
Training in the control methods of rubber
Nithya vazhuthana planted in this rainy season
How to cultivate garlic at home?
Gods own country welcomes heavenly fruit (Gac fruit) from Vietnam
Cultivate Geranium Flowers and earn good profit
TamilNadu Agriculture University under graduate courses: application invited
Paddy cultivation- A to Z- Part- 13-Preparation of nursery and main filed
Turmeric can be grown for the residents of the flat
How to grow Lovlolika at home
malayaalees will yield pottatoo farming
Distribution of fodder at subsidized rates to dairy farmers
Brinjal cultivation can be done profitably at a low cost
Health benefits of Spiny gourd
Mukutti is not just a waste plant
55 FPOs signed agreement with TATA international and Wallmart
Each & every part of Fig tree are useful
Cultivate Jasmine flower and become rich
Yellow Mombin can be grown even at a flat
Black nightshade
Farmers from Mavelikkara police station
As August approaches here is your guide on Cauliflower
How to cultivate Pineapple at the backyard
Implementing various agricultural development schemes
The Devavanam project was started at the Dharma Shastra Temple in Kattuvalli
Bihad region of Chambal will be developed as agriculture land with the support of World Bank
Wazir Advisors announces the launch of Agriculture, Dairy and Food Processing(ADFP) Vertical
Papaya - The fruit of angels
Department of Agriculture with regulations on inland fisheries
Agriculture Minister 'on call' event on August 5
How to grow groundnut at home?
Snake Gourd (1)
Following a power outage One lakh bananas were destroyed in Vechoor
In Aymanam, 205-acre paddy field collapsed and sank
Health Benefits of Nutmeg
Subhiksha Kerala ”as a model Business friends at Vaikom
Brinjal (1)
Drought relief for Milma dairy farmers
In the fall crop but Housewives farming Excellent yield
Santhanavalli Thiruthali
Online training in intercropping in rubber plantations
On the terrace of Vaikom Civil Station Vegetable crops are harvested
Aerva lanata
Features of Little ironweed
Slender dwarf morning-glory
Heavy flood: Immature The hive harvested fish
The old agricultural culture must be restored to overcome the economic crisis: minister p thilothaman
Onachantha on the recommendation of the Department of Agriculture in compliance with the Kovid norms
Harvested vegetables from Vayalar Agricultural Action Force
Financial assistance for fish,paddy farming scheme at Pokkali yard
To know about the products from rubber wood Let's call
Covid crisis, increase in agriculture and agricultural exports
Online training in rubber manufacturing
Best yield for Vazhuthana agriculture
Star Jasmine
Online Training in Rubber farming
Cultivation of Small Onion
Clerodendrum infortunatum - Peringalam
You can call the Rubber Board Call Center to know more about Rubber Fertilization
After the cultivation of Venda, papaya was also harvested at the Krishna Pillai Memorial
"Baraba" spreads fragrance in Kerala too
Survival of the flood; Excellent yield in Subhakeshans Payar farming
Fodder grass farming
Knowing these things can definitely make Bitter gourd farming a success
Top 10 crops to grow in September
In poultry farming, You should also know this ..
Two ways to reduce ammonia without changing the pond water
Peperomia pellucida
Macaranga peltata
Ensete Superbum
Cow urine and use
World Bamboo Day
Biogas Plant
Soil testing by using mobile
Rain shelter for vegetable cultivation
Fazal Bima Insurance
Microgreens farming
Bush Pepper
Water storage from the roof
Thousand benefits of one leaf "curry leaves"
Pipe compost
Drip irrigation
Coconut cultivation and value added products
The government is also involved in mulching the farm
'Karshakashree Krishnaprasad' comes to see you at our Krishi Jagaran
Tips for choosing eggs to hatch chicken
"PKM-1" Tamarind
Free equipment for bee farming
Mushroom farming
Biophytum sensitivum
Health benefits hidden in Lemon
Calicut university campus
Coriander leaves
Low price for sixteen crops
'All-rounder' in vegetables
How does technology help the agricultural sector and farmers in India?
Distribution of seeds of Mathrubhumi seed started
The price of rubber has gone up to Rs 150, a relief to rubber farmers.
Insurance coverage at a lower premium rate
Where there is Neem, there is health
Change in fish auction conditions
Giant calotrope
Poultry: Lesson-1 EM Solution
Apply soon! Akshaya Award Amount 100000
Palakkad and Kuttanad have taken steps to procure paddy
Are you aware of the artificiality of eggs?
Rubber price increasing
Elephant Foot Yam
Onion prices down
Financial assistance to paddy field owners
Onion is the star
Rice Technology Park for Development of Paddy Cultivation
Rubber board training class
Harvesting of fish farming
Kerala Farm Fresh
Kerala becomes the first state to pay royalties to paddy farmers
"Sudheesh Guruvayur", the Guinness World Record holder
Farmers' pension up to Rs.5000
Poultry: Lesson - 2
Training for dairy farmers
Mikavinte kendram
Royalty for paddy farmers
Police with medicinal garden cultivation
Knowledge related to agriculture is available in a phone call
K S Prasad
Captain Cool is no longer from cricket to poultry
Dwarf coconut
Aquaponics: agriculture method without soil
For beginner bird owners
Ksheera santhwanam
Dry fruits
Quail feed at home ...
Habanero chili
Solar machine to keep wild boar away
Indian gooseberry (1)
Sundari Cheera
Seed germination method of Miracle Fruit
Chow Chow
Palora (Dragon fruit)
Indian Tractor
Turtle wine
Agriculture Bill gives new opportunities to farmers - PM
Protest against the Agriculture Bill; Supreme Court lawyers with support for farmers
Horse gram
Here are some tips for Beetroot farming
Training for rubber farmers to spray medicine
Must have "Amara" in the kitchen garden
agri business management course
Water will flow from the Chimminy Dam into the Kurumali River.
new findings in agricultural sector
r heli passed away
Brush cutters can be purchased at a subsidized rate of 40 to 80%
The Prime Minister can join the crop insurance scheme and get compensation for crop losses
Is Red Lady papaya cultivating ? Then pay attention to these things
How to apply for Individual Subsidy for Agricultural Machinery
chief minister of kerala will inaugurates the agricultural scheme on december 31
Agriculture: The rights will be auctioned off.
different agriculture news from different places in kerala that you need to know
Farmer First is a usefulprogramme.
Start of vegetable cultivation at Kochi University Minister V.S. Sunil Kumar sowed the first seed
Principal Achen with a different farming lesson
mixed farming
The fifth edition of Vaiga Vaiga Agri Hack will be held from February 10 to 14 in Thrissur
Vaiga Agri Hackathon - The biggest hackathon competition to be held in agriculture
Thrissur Corporation-Kudumbasree National Urban Livelihood Mission
Kerala Organic Eco Shopping, which operates within the limits of Elakaman Krishi Bhavan in Thiruvananthapuram district
Chellappan Chettan, who grew basmati rice for the first time in Karappuram, is now in Poovan banana cultivation
Applications are invited for the posts of Field Consultancy and Field Assistant in the Integrated Horticulture Development Scheme implemented by the State Horticulture Mission
The central budget has set a target of Rs 16.5 lakh crore for agricultural credit in the coming fiscal
The Vellayani Research Test and Training Center provides training to farmers, farmers' groups and various agricultural groups from Thiruvananthapuram district
Department of Agricultural Development and Agrarian Welfare Organic Agriculture Panchayat Award for Vadakkekkara, a coastal panchayat in Ernakulam district
Philip Chacko is also in Farmer First
Let's cultivate and win the prize
Commencement of Plant Health Centers in the State. State level inauguration was done by Advocate VS Sunilkumar, Minister of Agriculture at Thrissur Town Hall on the occasion of Vaiga
Vaiga 2021 Closing Ceremony and State Farmers Award Ceremony today
The first phase of the 100 Nattumanthoppu project has started in Thrissur
agricultural news related to subsidy in drift irrigation fazal bheem insurance vetenary hospitals integrated farming courses in agricultural university
agriculture news related to kerala agricultural university trading centre and state horticulture mission drip irrigation subsidy program
Panamaram Grama Panchayat Budget; Priority will be given to housing, agriculture, animal husbandry and dairy development
Workers who have lost their membership due to arrears of more than 24 months due to payment of contributions to the Kerala Agricultural Workers Welfare Board can renew their membership
Detailed local agricultural products and vegetables can be bought and sold at the Co-operative Samridhi Eco Shop owned by the Department of Agriculture
application for subsidy benefit Poultry Integration Scheme A free online training program on organic vegetable farming in the backyard
Wild boar nuisance: The Center for Agricultural Sciences has set up equipment for the solution
Plant Disease Clinics Services to Farmers Five new Plant Disease Clinics have been set up in the State
Applications are invited for the Certificate Course in Organic Agriculture Management, an online course conducted under the auspices of the Center for e-Learning under the Kerala Agricultural University
We must teach children a good education and value for life, as well as love the soil and nature, and respect those who work in the so
Peanuts are known to be the food of the poor Putt and peanuts are the favorite delicacy of Malayalees
krishijagran again comes with another challenge of those candidates who are looking for psc examinations can study this questions and answers related to agriculture
No law to make paddy land fallow; Deputy Director of Agriculture
commodity price_01-01-2021 there is a hike in the prices of commodity and some of them have slight difference compared to last day
Vishu is a special day associated with the agricultural culture This auspicious day instills in our minds and soils the abundance of harvest and the hope of cultivating
Cucumber is the main fruit of Vishukani Cucumber grows on growing vines Cucumber cultivation is good for the climate of Kerala
Padimukam is a small tree with many thorny branches. It is also known as Chappangam Planting material is mainly prepared by seed germination
This plant is eaten by the tribals to keep them refreshed. Endemic to the Agasthyarkoodam Range in Kerala. The leaves are dark green
These vegetables give health
Department of Agriculture is careful not to stagnate the agricultural sector ...
The Minister of Agriculture should notice the problem of tapioca farmers
agriculture news from kerala for farmers 30 05 2020
Mathilakam Block Krishi Bhavan with an innovative project to attract farmers under block panchayat to organic farming
Agriculture Development and Agrarian Welfare Minister P Prasad said the state government would take necessary steps to protect the agricultural sector
Rainforest project to revive vegetable cultivation during monsoon season
Kozhikode Horticorp to help farmers
Inability of farmers to apply for the support price scheme for 12 varieties of crops implemented by the State Government.
jeevamritham is a storehouse of microorganisms that increase soil fertility
Kerala Agricultural University has started free online classes for those who want to study agriculture
Pokkali is a rice variety that can grow well in saline soils which are highly resistant
You can buy agricultural machinery at a discount and apply from July 1
farming in In Urvashi's Chennai house
Applications are invited to start self-employment ventures
leaf campaign for food security
Rainwater harvesting can be used to stimulate agriculture mazhamara
Join State Crop Insurance Scheme today
Join Central Government Revised Climate Based Crop Insurance Scheme
Time till 31st to join Arya Project
Infrastructure Development Fund for Agriculture
Agriculture Minister P Prasad released Agri books
Ginger turmeric compensation above Rs 50,000
The government provides unsecured loans of Rs 2 crore to individuals and individual groups
commodity price_24-07-2021 the price of some products have variation
know more about hydroponic farming
5 more days to join PM Crop Insurance and Climate Crop Insurance Schemes
India Good Agricultural Practice
Enterprises can be started under Farmer Producer Companies
agriculture news related to milk farmer training poultry veterinary guidelines
agri updates of kerala
agriculture news related to coconut goat farming vanamithra award online training
Indian agriculture needs a technological revolution
agriculture news dairy online training mushroom rubber training institute veterinary animal science
Jeevani our agriculture is our health
Kisan Credit Card Interest rates of various banks
agiculture news related to agri subsidy fish farming farmer
agri news for kerala
AIMS service portal for submitting applications in the schemes of the Department of Agriculture
today chingal first farmers day in kerala
agri news kerala
Thomas Kutty's farm has a rare collection of crop wonders
attractive agriculture activities of vattavada
There are several benefits to being a member of the Farmers' Welfare Fund Board
Onathinu Oru Muram Pachakkari: 3,000 MT of vegetables procured from local farmers by the Department of Agriculture
Those with a five-cent farm can also be part of the Indian Nature Farming Plan
Making agriculture a part of the tourism sector will increase employment opportunities
Haritha Kerala Missionc Everything you need to know
agri news kerala related to vellanikara university milk machine jobless loan
agriculture news related to agri university coconut horticulture organicwaste fruit seedlings
debt rate is high for farmers
A golden opportunity for those who care for native seeds and plants
various schemes of krishibhavan
The amount of financial assistance available through Pradhan Mantri Kisan Yojana is increased to `12000.
Are you a farmer? Then 50% subsidy is available for agricultural machinery
Healthy violet Cabbage
National Rural Employment Guarantee: Kuttimulla spring in Vayalar
Karnataka lagging behind in agricultural exports: Shobha Karandlaje
Komco will be strengthened to streamline the mechanization of the agri sector: P. Prasad
Benefit to Scheduled Tribes for acquisition of agricultural machinery
Online training in high tech kitchen garden construction
Online Dairy Production Training
Subsidy up to Rs 1 lakh for purchase of tractor
Paddy harvest in wasteland inaugurated
Mangroves to protect the coast; Thuravoor Grama Panchayat with the project
7 Vastu Tips to Help Increase Agricultural Productivity
weather news 22/11/2021
Rainy season and cropping patterns need to change
ginger Kolinchi can earn millions in the global market, now at home
Profitable agribusiness: Lemon grass can earn millions every year
Do you still not know about such services provided by Krishi Bhavan
If the venda or hibiscus is cultivated in this way, the yield will be doubled
Agriculture should be made a habit to control inflation: Minister P. Prasad
Is it a crime to take water from a nearby river for agricultural purposes
Carbon neutral farming will be introduced in the state said by Minister P Prasad
Data collection on native Mango trees
Electricity for agriculture will longer be available for free apply now
With Just 45 Days, You will Get Best Yield from Beans
Try These Natural Techniques For Pest Attacks In Roses
BUDGET 2022: Expectations For Kerala And Agriculture Sector In Nirmala Sitharaman's Announcements
Grapes Can Be Grown In Your Home Garden; Here Are The Tips
Tomato To Get Rid Of Rats From Homes
Various aspects of agriculture in school level curriculum
Know The Benefits Of Tulsi Paste To Your Skin And How To Prepare
This week s top agricultural news
PM Kisan Latest: Complete eKYC Before This Date To Get Rs. 2000
Vadavukode Block Panchayat gives importance to agriculture
Free Agricultural Training Programs on various subjects and farm implements are available up to 80% off Know this week's Agricultural News
Warappetty Grama Panchayat with emphasis on agriculture and waste management
Its nice that the new generation got interest in agriculture: Minister Veena George
Many benefits of membership in the Kerala Karshaka Kshemanidi Board
Let's go back to organic farming and cultivate in organic methods
organic tips for plants health
kerala agriculture award 2022 published
agriculture is being part of the life
Coromandel’s Stewardship Approach for Responsible Use of Agrochemicals
Harish Chavan Talks about the journey of Swaraj Tractors, their New Multipurpose Machine ‘CODE’ & much more
Budget of Harippad Block Panchayat with emphasis on agriculture
Women - The Key Players Revolutionizing Agriculture in India
indian agrculture traditional methods
agriculture news this week related to irrigation subsidy small scale industries
13.81 crore crop damage due to summer rains and last date to apply for crop damage is 11th of this month
Know more about anemia in cattle?
Agricultural Development in Kozhikode District: An amount of `340.44 crore was spent
Top Agricultural News High yielding pepper seedlings and tissue culture banana seedlings at low cost, various agricultural training programs
Kisan Mela inaugurated by Agri Minister P Prasad
Ernakulam District Panchayat: Kshirasagaram project started
Survey on debt liability in agricultural sector and more agri news
1,00,000 priority ration cards to be issued soon: Minister GR Anil and more agri news
kottayam district agriculture department provide assisitance to farmers
The 11th installment of PM Kisan will be credited to the account soon and more agri news
Loans up to 31st March 2016 can be applied for relief
news about ente kerala of kerala government program
Agriculture and product diversification; seminar was conducted
If the moringa stalks are cut and stored in this way, the yield will be doubled
Soil solarization model by farmers to double yields
Cultivate a huge variety of mushrooms to earn lakhs at home
Special agricultural guidelines issued by the Center for Agricultural Knowledge
The State Seed Production Center at Aluva is carbon neutral
Promote development in the agricultural sector; AFC India Limited signs MoU with Krishi Jagaran
Special instructions issued by Kerala Agricultural University related to coconut diseases goat bananaa
Workshop on Agriculture and Climate Change; and more agri news
Biogas: Home made cooking gas
Rs. 100 Gift Coupon For Milma Gold fodder, Know More Agriculture News
The basic pay of coir factory workers has been increased from Rs 3 to Rs 667
Cooperation-Registration-Culture Department Minister VN Vasavan said that cooperative sector and agriculture sector are complementary
Cooperative Sector And Agriculture Sector Are Complementary, Said Minister VN Vasavan
There is no better way to conserve nature than agriculture: Pratap Chandra Sarangi
Let yourself be light, give light: Medithi Ravi Kanth IAS
Subsidy for Dragon Fruit Cultivation: Rs 30,000 per hectare
Yard long bean farming methods
Agricultural expansion is the basis of the country's development process: Minister P Rajeev and more agri news
Aranmula begins the agriculture by ploughing the ground
Cabbage and cauliflower are easy to grow in the backyard kerala farming
The price of LPG cylinders has come down in the country more malayalam agriculture news
All Kerala Retail Ration Dealers Association has filed petition and more agri news
Agriculture, health and other sectors: Research results should be used for problem solving
The price list should be displayed in Ration shops: G R Anil and more agri news
To improve Agri sector in India Youth needs to participate in Agriculture Says Union Agriculture Minister
more revenue through value added products says speaker
Uses and benefits of Tamarind seeds
Wayanad seed fest started
Make the state self-sufficient in milk production
NIIST seminar to promote value addition of rubber and rope
811 crore was distributed to the farmers as part of rice storage in kerala
Niti Ayog: Agriculture sector's challenges will be solved with Agritech
Maharashtra: Agriculture taught in schools
Farmers are nation's national servants said electricity Minister
Loan scheme for Kerala's Agriculture sector, up to 2 crores
Kerala is a model for other states; Will try to implement Kerala model: Jharkhand Agriculture Minister
6 states signed in the center's digital crop survey
This fest which paved the way for agriculture fest
Agri Clubs of Kudumbashree for a new awakening in the field of agriculture
Noni best food for human being
Rabbit manure is best for farming
Govt spending 6.5 crore rupees every year for farmers and Agriculture says Prime Minister Modi
If acidity of soil decreases , long yard beans rhizobium works well
Education and agriculture play a crucial role in shaping the future; Minister
Njattuvella market ends in poojapura
First cooperative bank to get agriculture award
Poopara became best tribal farming place
Gandakaraja is a flowering plant with good smell
Farmers felicitated with 5 Star facility at 16th Agriculture science congress
Best time to grow carrots; What to pay attention to in agriculture?
Bund preparation is considered as per the earth surface level
Bush pepper can now be easily grown at home
Zucchini will also grow in Kerala; let's Know about farming methods
Agronomist Dr. Rohini Iyer passed away
Heavy rain; Orange and yellow alerts in various districts
Financial supports for farmers and know more agriculture news
State agriculture department's 'Kathir App' for all services, financial support from forest department... more agriculture news
State farmer awards announced
ifaj-congress 2024 in interlaken showcases swiss agriculture and innovation
Agriculture department with official ID card system for farmers
Steps to increase income from farming
Training Programs, Kshema pension... more Agriculture News
Kera Project: Rs 1655.85 crore as first installment; Projects to be implemented in next 5 years... more Agriculture News
Applications invited for R Haley Memorial Agricultural Excellence Award... more Agriculture News
CRI Pumps Achieves Important Milestone: Receives ₹754 Crore Order for 25,000 Solar Pumping Systems from MSEDCL, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Crop Management of Dragon Fruit: Training Program... more Agricultural News
Mushroom farming: One-day training programme, Smart Krishi Bhavan launched... more Agriculture News
Agriculture Minister inaugurated the first Millet Cafe started in Devikulangara Grama Panchayat... more Agriculture News
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